FilesystemSubVolumeGroup CRD
This guide assumes you have created a Rook cluster as explained in the main Quickstart guide
Rook allows creation of Ceph Filesystem SubVolumeGroups through the custom resource definitions (CRDs). Filesystem subvolume groups are an abstraction for a directory level higher than Filesystem subvolumes to effect policies (e.g., File layouts) across a set of subvolumes. For more information about CephFS volume, subvolumegroup and subvolume refer to the Ceph docs.
Creating daemon¶
To get you started, here is a simple example of a CRD to create a subvolumegroup on the CephFilesystem "myfs".
If any setting is unspecified, a suitable default will be used automatically.
CephFilesystemSubVolumeGroup metadata¶
: The name that will be used for the Ceph Filesystem subvolume group.
CephFilesystemSubVolumeGroup spec¶
: The spec name that will be used for the Ceph Filesystem subvolume group if not set metadata name will be used. -
: The metadata name of the CephFilesystem CR where the subvolume group will be created. -
: To distribute load across MDS ranks in predictable and stable ways. Reference:
: Range: <0, 1>, for disabling it set to 0export
: Range: <0-256>, for disabling it set to -1random
: Range: [0.0, 1.0], for disabling it set to 0.0
Only one out of (export, distributed, random) can be set at a time. By default pinning is set with value: distributed=1