Monitor Health
Failure in a distributed system is to be expected. Ceph was designed from the ground up to deal with the failures of a distributed system. At the next layer, Rook was designed from the ground up to automate recovery of Ceph components that traditionally required admin intervention. Monitor health is the most critical piece of the equation that Rook actively monitors. If they are not in a good state, the operator will take action to restore their health and keep your cluster protected from disaster.
The Ceph monitors (mons) are the brains of the distributed cluster. They control all of the metadata that is necessary to store and retrieve your data as well as keep it safe. If the monitors are not in a healthy state you will risk losing all the data in your system.
Monitor Identity¶
Each monitor in a Ceph cluster has a static identity. Every component in the cluster is aware of the identity, and that identity must be immutable. The identity of a mon is its IP address.
To have an immutable IP address in Kubernetes, Rook creates a K8s service for each monitor. The clusterIP of the service will act as the stable identity.
When a monitor pod starts, it will bind to its podIP and it will expect communication to be via its service IP address.
Monitor Quorum¶
Multiple mons work together to provide redundancy by each keeping a copy of the metadata. A variation of the distributed algorithm Paxos is used to establish consensus about the state of the cluster. Paxos requires a super-majority of mons to be running in order to establish quorum and perform operations in the cluster. If the majority of mons are not running, quorum is lost and nothing can be done in the cluster.
How many mons?¶
Most commonly a cluster will have three mons. This would mean that one mon could go down and allow the cluster to remain healthy. You would still have 2/3 mons running to give you consensus in the cluster for any operation.
For highest availability, an odd number of mons is required. Fifty percent of mons will not be sufficient to maintain quorum. If you had two mons and one of them went down, you would have 1/2 of quorum. Since that is not a super-majority, the cluster would have to wait until the second mon is up again. Rook allows an even number of mons for higher durability. See the disaster recovery guide if quorum is lost and to recover mon quorum from a single mon.
The number of mons to create in a cluster depends on your tolerance for losing a node. If you have 1 mon zero nodes can be lost to maintain quorum. With 3 mons one node can be lost, and with 5 mons two nodes can be lost. Because the Rook operator will automatically start a new monitor if one dies, you typically only need three mons. The more mons you have, the more overhead there will be to make a change to the cluster, which could become a performance issue in a large cluster.
Mitigating Monitor Failure¶
Whatever the reason that a mon may fail (power failure, software crash, software hang, etc), there are several layers of mitigation in place to help recover the mon. It is always better to bring an existing mon back up than to failover to bring up a new mon.
The Rook operator creates a mon with a Deployment to ensure that the mon pod will always be restarted if it fails. If a mon pod stops for any reason, Kubernetes will automatically start the pod up again.
In order for a mon to support a pod/node restart, the mon metadata is persisted to disk, either under the dataDirHostPath
specified in the CephCluster CR, or in the volume defined by the volumeClaimTemplate
in the CephCluster CR. This will allow the mon to start back up with its existing metadata and continue where it left off even if the pod had to be re-created. Without this persistence, the mon cannot restart.
Failing over a Monitor¶
If a mon is unhealthy and the K8s pod restart or liveness probe are not sufficient to bring a mon back up, the operator will make the decision to terminate the unhealthy monitor deployment and bring up a new monitor with a new identity. This is an operation that must be done while mon quorum is maintained by other mons in the cluster.
The operator checks for mon health every 45 seconds. If a monitor is down, the operator will wait 10 minutes before failing over the unhealthy mon. These two intervals can be configured as parameters to the CephCluster CR (see below). If the intervals are too short, it could be unhealthy if the mons are failed over too aggressively. If the intervals are too long, the cluster could be at risk of losing quorum if a new monitor is not brought up before another mon fails.
If you want to force a mon to failover for testing or other purposes, you can scale down the mon deployment to 0, then wait for the timeout. Note that the operator may scale up the mon again automatically if the operator is restarted or if a full reconcile is triggered, such as when the CephCluster CR is updated.
If the mon pod is in pending state and couldn't be assigned to a node (say, due to node drain), then the operator will wait for the timeout again before the mon failover. So the timeout waiting for the mon failover will be doubled in this case.
To disable monitor automatic failover, the timeout
can be set to 0
, if the monitor goes out of quorum Rook will never fail it over onto another node. This is especially useful for planned maintenance.
Example Failover¶
Rook will create mons with pod names such as mon-a, mon-b, and mon-c. Let's say mon-b had an issue and the pod failed.
After a failover, you will see the unhealthy mon removed and a new mon added such as mon-d. A fully healthy mon quorum is now running again.
From the toolbox we can verify the status of the health mon quorum:
Automatic Monitor Failover¶
Rook will automatically fail over the mons when the following settings are updated in the CephCluster CR: -
: When enabled or disabled, Rook fails over all monitors, configuring them to enable or disable host networking. -
: When updated from being empty to "host", Rook fails over all monitors, configuring them to enable or disable host networking. -
: When enabled or disabled, Rook fails over all monitors, configuring them to start (or stop) using service IPs compatible with the multi-cluster service.