
    PLEASE NOTE: This document applies to v1.4 version and not to the latest stable release v1.9

    EdgeFS VDEV Management


    EdgeFS can run on top of any block device. It can be a raw physical or virtual disk (RT-RD type). Or it can be a directory on a local filesystem (RT-LFS type). In case of a local filesystem, VDEV function will be emulated via memory-mapped files and as such, management of the files is a responsibility of underlying filesystem of choice. (e.g. ext4, xfs, zfs, etc). This document describes the management of VDEVs built on top of raw disks (RT-RD type).

    EdgeFS on-disk organization

    EdgeFS converts underlying block devices (VDEVs) into a local high-performance, memory and SSD/NVMe optimized key-value databases.

    Persistent data

    The EdgeFS chunks a data object into one or several data chunk which are members of the TT_CHUNK_PAYLOAD data type that forms the first data type group: the persistent data. This group also includes a configuration data type called TT_HASHCOUNT.

    Persistent metadata

    To define an object assembly order there are two manifest metadata types: TT_CHUNK_MANIFEST and TT_VERSION_MANIFEST. If an object is EC-protected, then an additional entry of TT_PARTIY_MANIFEST metadata type will be added to each leaf manifest. Payload’s and manifest’s lifespan depends on the presence of a tiny object of TT_VERIFIED_BACKREF type that tracks de-duplication back references in background operations. All the objects are indexed by its name within a cluster namespace and the index is stored in a TT_NAMEINDEX metadata type. Types TT_CHUNK_MANIFEST, TT_VERSION_MANIFEST, TT_PARTIY_MANIFEST, TT_VERIFIED_BACKREF and TT_NAMEINDEX form the second group: the persistent metadata.

    Temporary metadata

    And the third group is the temporary metadata. It includes on-disk data queues whose entries are removed after being processed by server’s background jobs: TT_VERIFICATION_QUEUE, TT_BATCH_QUEUE, TT_INCOMING_BATCH_QUEUE, TT_ENCODING_QUEUE, TT_REPLICATION_QUEUE and TT_TRANSACTION_LOG.

    Persistent data Persistent metadata Temporary metadata

    Consistency considerations

    Each VDEV in the cluster holds a certain number of entries of each data type. Damage of data table of different groups has a different impact on VDEV’s consistency. Usually, if a damaged data type belongs to the temporary metadata, then such data table can be dropped without a noticeable influence on the cluster. If a persistent data or persistent metadata gets corrupted, then impact will take place, however, it will never be vital for the cluster thanks to data protection approaches the EdgeFS implements: data redundancy or erasure coding. Moreover, the underlying device management layer also tries to reduce the cost of data loss by means of different techniques, like data sharding.

    IMPORTANT: In EdgeFS design, loss of a data or metadata chunk generally do not affect front I/O performance due to unique dynamic placement and retrieval technique. Data placement or retrieval gets negotiated prior to each chunk I/O. This allows EdgeFS to select the most optimal location for I/O rather then hard-coded. With this, failing device(s) or temporary disconnected/busy devices will not affect overall local cluster performance.

    Stronger consistency/durability comes with a performance price and it highly depends on an use cases. EdgeFS provides needed flexibility of selecting most optimal consistency model via usage of sync parameter that defines default behavior of write operations at device or directory level. Acceptable values are 0, 1 (default), 2, 3:

    • 0: No syncing will happen. Highest performance possible and good for HPC scratch types of deployments. This option will still sustain crash of pods or software bugs. It will not sustain server power loss an may cause node/device level inconsistency.
    • 1: Default method. Will guarantee node / device consistency in case of power loss with reduced durability.
    • 2: Provides better durability in case of power loss at the cost of extra metadata syncing.
    • 3: Most durable and reliable option at the cost of significant performance impact.

    EdgeFS RT-RD Architecture

    The main metrics of the RT-RD device is a partition level (the plevel). The plevel defines a number of disk partitions user’s data will be split across: for each key-value pair, the key identifies the plevel index. The RT-RD splits entire raw HDD (or SSD) into several partitions. The following partition types are defined:

    • Main partitions. Resides on the HDD and used as the main data store. A number of partitions equal to disk plevel. In a all SSD or all HDD configurations, main partitions keep all data types.
    • Write-ahead-log (WAL) partitions. The WAL drastically improves write performance, especially for a hybrid (HDDs+SSD) configuration. There is one WAL partition per plevel Its location depends on configuration type. In a hybrid configuration, it’s on SSD, otherwise on the same disk as the corresponding main partition.
    • A metadata offload partition (mdoffload). For the hybrid configuration-only. One partition per an HDD. It is used to store temporary metadata, indexes and some persistent metadata types (optionally).
    • A configuration partition. A tiny partition per device which keeps a disk configuration options (a metaloc entry).

    Regardless of location, each partition keeps an instance of a key-value database (the environment) and a number sub-databases for different data types within the environment. A sub-database is referenced by its Data Base Identifier(DBI) which contains data type name as a part of the DBI and depends on the environment’s location. Along with 3 aforementioned data type categories, the RT-RD keeps an extra one for a hybrid device - the mdoffload index. The mdoffload index is used to improve the performance of GET operations that target the data types on HDD without data retrieval: chunk stat or an attribute get. A damaged mdoffload index can always be restored from data on HDD.

    Below is a data type to DBI mapping table

    Group Data type DBI Location
    Persistent data TT_CHUNK_PAYLOD bd-part-TT_CHUNK_PAYLOAD-0 HDD
    Mdoffload index - keys-TT_CHUNK_MANIFEST
    Mdoffload cache - mdcache-TT_CHUNK_MANIFEST

    So now you are informed enough to understand next paragraphs.

    Cluster Health Verification

    Login to the toolbox as shown in this example:

    kubectl exec -it -n rook-edgefs 'kubectl get po --all-namespaces | awk '{print($2)}' | grep edgefs-mgr' -- env COLUMNS=$COLUMNS LINES=$LINES TERM=linux toolbox

    To find out what device needs to go into the maintenance state, run the following command:

    # efscli system status -v1
    ServerID CFAE1E62652370A93769378B2C862F23 ubuntu1632243:rook-edgefs-target-0 DEGRADED
    VDEVID D76242575CAA2662862CEEBC65D0B69F ata-ST1000NX0423_W470M48T ONLINE
    VDEVID BB287F0C6747B1E59A85872B2C7F39B3 ata-ST1000NX0423_W470P9XJ ONLINE
    VDEVID 82F9A02F0D2A1BC44E6AF8D2B455189D ata-ST1000NX0423_W470M3JK ONLINE
    ServerID 1A0B10BCF8CB0E6D34451B4D3F84CE97 ubuntu1632240:rook-edgefs-target-1 ONLINE
    VDEVID 904ED942BD62FF4A997C4A23E2B8043B ata-ST1000NX0423_W470NLFR ONLINE

    From this command you will see that pod ‘rook-edgefs-target-0’ is in degraded state and device ‘ata-ST1000NX0423_W470NQ7A’ needs maintenance.

    VDEV Verification

    Login to the affected target pod as shown in this example:

    kubectl exec -it -n rook-edgefs rook-edgefs-target-0 -- env COLUMNS=$COLUMNS LINES=$LINES TERM=linux toolbox

    Make sure the disk is faulted:

    # efscli device list
    NAME                        | VDEV ID                          | PATH     | STATUS
    ata-ST1000NX0423_W470M3JK   | 82F9A02F0D2A1BC44E6AF8D2B455189D | /dev/sdb | ONLINE
    ata-ST1000NX0423_W470M48T   | D76242575CAA2662862CEEBC65D0B69F | /dev/sdc | ONLINE
    ata-ST1000NX0423_W470P9XJ   | BB287F0C6747B1E59A85872B2C7F39B3 | /dev/sdd | ONLINE
    ata-ST1000NX0423_W470NQ7A   | B2BB69729BC3EB9ECE5F0DCB3DB4D0D6 | /dev/sde | UNAVAILABLE

    Use efscli device detach ata-ST1000NX0423_W470NQ7A for detaching a disk. It will be marked a faulted and won’t be attached at the next ccow-daemon restart. Also, the preserved detached state can be cleared by a command nezap --disk=diskID --restore-metaloc.

    Once detached, related HDD/SSD partitions can be inspected/fixed by means of efscli device check command or zapped. When maintenance is done, the VDEV(s) can become operational again by invoking a command efscli device attach.

    Assuming that your disk is detached and your verification procedure can be initiated. The tool is accessible via efscli device check command. It provides an interactive user interface for device validation and recovery. Before getting started, a user needs to define a scratch area location. It will be used as a temporary store for environments being compacted or recovered. The scratch area can be defined in terms of data path within filesystem, a path to a raw disk (or its partition) in the /dev/ folder or raw disk/partition ID. User has to make sure the filesystem can provide enough free space to keep data from single plevel. The same requirement is for raw disk/partition size: at least 600GB, 1TB is recommended. A user can define the scratch area path in $(NEDGE_HOME)/etc/ccow/rt-rd.json as follow:

    "devices": [...],
    "scratch": "/tmp.db"

    Alternatively, the path can be specified by -s <path> flag. For example: efscli device check -s /scratch.db ata-ST1000NX0423_W470NQ7A

    The following actions will be completely interactive and a user’s confirmation will be required before any important disk changes. The command output might look like follow. We split it into parts for convenience

    $ efscli device check -s /scratch.db ata-ST1000NX0423_W470NQ7A
    INFO: checking disk /dev/sde. Stored metaloc record info:
    NAME      | TYPE | ID                              | PATH       | CAPACITY | USED | PSIZE | BCACHE | STATUS
    PLEVEL1   | Main | ata-ST1000NX0423_W470NQ7A-part1 | /dev/sde1  | 465.76G  | 0%   | 32k   | OFF    | None
              | WAL  | scsi-35000c5003021f02f-part7    | /dev/sdf7  | 2.67G    |      | 4k    | n/a    | None
    PLEVEL2   | Main | ata-ST1000NX0423_W470NQ7A-part2 | /dev/sde2  | 465.76G  | 0%   | 32k   | OFF    | None
              | WAL  | scsi-35000c5003021f02f-part8    | /dev/sdf8  | 2.67G    |      | 4k    | n/a    | None
    OFFLOAD   |      | scsi-35000c5003021f02f-part12   | /dev/sdf12 | 180.97G  | 0%   | 8k    | n/a    | CORRUPTED

    The first table displays the VDEV configuration and its known errors (if any). In our example the VDEV is a hybrid one (The OFFLOAD partition signals that) with 2 plevels situated on the HDD /dev/sde. Main partitions are /dev/sde1 and /dev/sde2, WAL partitions are on SSD (/dev/sdf7 and /dev/sdf8) as well as the mdoffload partition /dev/sdf12. For each partition we see its capacity, utilization, logical paze size (internal for the key-value engine), bcache presence and healthy status. None means the partition doesn’t have know errors. However, the /dev/sdf12 is marked as a CORRUPTED and will be check by the verification algorithm. If there known errors are absent, then user will be asked for extended data validation of each partition. It’s important to mention, that if a VDEV is online and user wants to validate it, then such VDEV will be set READ-ONLY until validation is in progress. If there are any errors, then the VDEV will be detached for maintenance. However, in our case the problem is known and it requires further validation in order to find a proper recovery solution.

    WARN: a fault record is detected for mdoffload (/dev/sdf12)
    INFO: disk ata-ST1000NX0423_W470NQ7A is UNAVAILABLE
    INFO: locking the device
    INFO: 1 partition(s) needs to be validated
    INFO: validating /dev/sdf12
    Progress: [==============================>] 100%
    DBI NAME                   | ENTRIES | OPEN TEST | READ TEST          | CORRUPTED | WRITE TEST
    TT_TRANSACTION_LOG         | 0       | PASSED    | PASSED             | N/A       | SKIPPED
    keys-TT_VERSION_MANIFEST   | 28999   | PASSED    | PASSED             | N/A       | SKIPPED
    TT_BATCH_INCOMING_QUEUE    | 0       | PASSED    | PASSED             | N/A       | SKIPPED
    TT_ENCODING_QUEUE          | 0       | PASSED    | PASSED             | N/A       | SKIPPED
    TT_PARITY_MANIFEST         | 0       | PASSED    | PASSED             | N/A       | SKIPPED
    TT_REPLICATION_QUEUE       | 0       | PASSED    | PASSED             | N/A       | SKIPPED
    keys-TT_CHUNK_MANIFEST     | 56448   | PASSED    | PASSED             | N/A       | SKIPPED
    TT_BATCH_QUEUE             | 0       | PASSED    | PASSED             | N/A       | SKIPPED
    TT_VERIFIED_BACKREF        | 55403   | PASSED    | PASSED             | N/A       | SKIPPED
    keys-TT_CHUNK_PAYLOAD      | 212787  | PASSED    | KEY FORMAT ERROR   | N/A       | N/A
    TT_CHUNK_MANIFEST          | 56448   | PASSED    | CORRUPTED          | N/A       | N/A
    TT_NAMEINDEX               | 189     | PASSED    | PASSED             | N/A       | SKIPPED
    TT_VERIFICATION_QUEUE      | 29      | PASSED    | PASSED             | N/A       | SKIPPED
    TT_VERSION_MANIFEST        | 28999   | PASSED    | DB STRUCTURE ERROR | N/A       | N/A
    ERROR: the mdoffload environment got unrecoverable damages.
    ENTIRE device /dev/sdf12 needs to be formatted. All the data will be lost.
    Press 'Y' to start [y/n]: y

    The validation is performed on a sub-database (DB) basis. For each DB there are up to 3 tests: open, read and modify. The last (modify) is disabled by default but can be activated in a policy file. The open and read tests are able to discover an overwhelming majority of structural errors without detaching a disk from ccow-daemon: if an environment is online, the user will be asked for permission to switch the device to read-only mode before any tests. The modify test requires the device to be set unavailable. Validation result is shown as a table for each DBI.

    The table has a column named CORRUPTED which may show number key-value pairs whose value’s hash ID doesn’t match expected one. For certain data types, it’s acceptable to have a limited number of damaged entries. It’s a compromise between data lost cost and data integrity. Often we don’t want to mark the whole DB as faulted due to just a few damaged values which will be detected and removed by ccow-daemon soon or later.

    Further behaviour depends on validation results:

    • If there are no corrupted DB(s), the environment is considered healthy.
    • If there are damaged DB(s), then the behaviour depends on DB’s error handling policy. By default it implies the following:

    • If corrupted only temporary metadata or those data can be reconstructed (the mdoffload index), then a selective recovery will be suggested to the user. The selective recovery makes copies of non-damaged DBs only. Corrupted ones will be re-created or re-constructed when the device is attached.
    • Corrupted data or metadata table with sensitive data. In this case, a plevel or whole device needs to be formatted. All damaged environments will be added to a format queue that will be processed on the final stage.

    As we can see 3 DBs are corrupted. One of them (keys-TT_CHUNK_PAYLOAD) can be easily recovered (the mdoffload index), however TT_NAMEINDEX and TT_VERSION_MANIFEST cannot be reconstructed and they reside on a mdoffload partition. So the whole device needs to be formatted.

    WARN: the entire device is about to be formatted.
    ALL the data on it will be LOST. Do you want to proceed? [y/n]: y
    INFO: formatting entire device ata-ST1000NX0423_W470NQ7A
    INFO: format done
    INFO: device examination summary:
    /dev/sdf12   | /dev/sde1  |           |
                 | /dev/sde2  |           |
                 | /dev/sdf12 |           |

    A user confirmed and the VDEV has been formatted. Check is done. The VDEV can be put online by a command efscli device attach ata-ST1000NX0423_W470NQ7A

    VDEV Replacement Procedure

    A command efscli disk replace [-f] [-y] <old-name> <new-name> performs on-the-fly disk substitution. The disk with name old-name will be detached and disk with name new-name will be configured and used instead of the old one. If the new-disk has a partition table on it, then the command will fail unless the -f flag is specified. When the flag set, the user will be asked for permission to destroy the partition table. The ‘-y’ flags forces destruction of the partition table without confirmation. The replace command can be used when EdgeFS service is down. In this case, the new disk will be attached upon the next service start.

    Login to the affected target pod where disk needs to be replaced as shown in this example:

    kubectl exec -it -n rook-edgefs rook-edgefs-target-0 -- env COLUMNS=$COLUMNS LINES=$LINES TERM=linux toolbox

    List available and unused disks:

    # efscli device list -s
    NAME                        | VDEV ID                          | PATH     | STATUS
    ata-ST1000NX0423_W470M4BZ   |                                  | /dev/sda | UNUSED
    ata-ST1000NX0423_W470M3JK   | 147A81246937AEFF934D00C8DB92C4D3 | /dev/sdb | ONLINE
    ata-ST1000NX0423_W470M48T   | DCA10919B6F55A66A23BC5916642DD7E | /dev/sdc | ONLINE
    ata-ST1000NX0423_W470P9XJ   | C82B78AC845989DC731BF59FE705256A | /dev/sdd | ONLINE
    ata-ST1000NX0423_W470NQ7A   | BCA4C8F096DE96B4B350DF4F92E30F19 | /dev/sde | UNAVAILABLE

    There is a device with an UNUSED or PARTITIONED status. The disk ST1000NX0423_W470M4BZ is not used and can replace a faulted one.

    # efscli device replace ata-ST1000NX0423_W470NQ7A ata-ST1000NX0423_W470M4BZ
    INFO: Probbing disk ata-ST1000NX0423_W470M4BZ
    INFO: Attaching disk ata-ST1000NX0423_W470M4BZ
    INFO: The disk is replaced succefully

    VDEV server recovery

    If a database partition gets corrupted, then there is a small probability for the VDEV container to enter an infinite restart loop. In order to prevent a container from restart use the following command:

    kubectl exec -it -n rook-edgefs rook-edgefs-target-<n> -c auditd -- touch /opt/nedge/var/run/.edgefs-start-block-ccowd

    where rook-edgefs rook-edgefs-target-<n> is the affected pod ID.

    Once command is done, you must be able to reach a toolbox console:

    kubectl exec -it -n rook-edgefs rook-edgefs rook-edgefs-target-<n> -- env COLUMNS=$COLUMNS LINES=$LINES TERM=linux toolbox

    and run the efscli device check ... command.

    When you are done, before exiting the toolbox, do not forget to remove the file /opt/nedge/var/run/.edgefs-start-block-ccowd