
    RBD Asynchronous DR Failover and Failback

    Table of Contents

    Planned Migration and Disaster Recovery

    Rook comes with the volume replication support, which allows users to perform disaster recovery and planned migration of clusters.

    The following document will help to track the procedure for failover and failback in case of a Disaster recovery or Planned migration use cases.

    Note: The document assumes that RBD Mirroring is set up between the peer clusters. For information on rbd mirroring and how to set it up using rook, please refer to the rbd-mirroring guide.

    Planned Migration

    Use cases: Datacenter maintenance, technology refresh, disaster avoidance, etc.


    The Relocation operation is the process of switching production to a backup facility(normally your recovery site) or vice versa. For relocation, access to the image on the primary site should be stopped. The image should now be made primary on the secondary cluster so that the access can be resumed there.

    :memo: Periodic or one-time backup of the application should be available for restore on the secondary site (cluster-2).

    Follow the below steps for planned migration of workload from the primary cluster to the secondary cluster:

    • Scale down all the application pods which are using the mirrored PVC on the Primary Cluster.
    • Take a backup of PVC and PV object from the primary cluster. This can be done using some backup tools like velero.
    • Update VolumeReplication CR to set replicationState to secondary at the Primary Site. When the operator sees this change, it will pass the information down to the driver via GRPC request to mark the dataSource as secondary.
    • If you are manually recreating the PVC and PV on the secondary cluster, remove the claimRef section in the PV objects. (See this for details)
    • Recreate the storageclass, PVC, and PV objects on the secondary site.
    • As you are creating the static binding between PVC and PV, a new PV won’t be created here, the PVC will get bind to the existing PV.
    • Create the VolumeReplicationClass on the secondary site.
    • Create VolumeReplications for all the PVC’s for which mirroring is enabled
      • replicationState should be primary for all the PVC’s on the secondary site.
    • Check VolumeReplication CR status to verify if the image is marked primary on the secondary site.
    • Once the Image is marked as primary, the PVC is now ready to be used. Now, we can scale up the applications to use the PVC.

    :memo: WARNING: In Async Disaster recovery use case, we don’t get the complete data. We will only get the crash-consistent data based on the snapshot interval time.

    Disaster Recovery

    Use cases: Natural disasters, Power failures, System failures, and crashes, etc.

    NOTE: To effectively resume operations after a failover/relocation, backup of the kubernetes artifacts like deployment, PVC, PV, etc need to be created beforehand by the admin; so that the application can be restored on the peer cluster. For more information, see backup and restore.

    Failover (abrupt shutdown)

    In case of Disaster recovery, create VolumeReplication CR at the Secondary Site. Since the connection to the Primary Site is lost, the operator automatically sends a GRPC request down to the driver to forcefully mark the dataSource as primary on the Secondary Site.

    • If you are manually creating the PVC and PV on the secondary cluster, remove the claimRef section in the PV objects. (See this for details)
    • Create the storageclass, PVC, and PV objects on the secondary site.
    • As you are creating the static binding between PVC and PV, a new PV won’t be created here, the PVC will get bind to the existing PV.
    • Create the VolumeReplicationClass and VolumeReplication CR on the secondary site.
    • Check VolumeReplication CR status to verify if the image is marked primary on the secondary site.
    • Once the Image is marked as primary, the PVC is now ready to be used. Now, we can scale up the applications to use the PVC.

    Failback (post-disaster recovery)

    Once the failed cluster is recovered on the primary site and you want to failback from secondary site, follow the below steps:

    • Scale down the running applications (if any) on the primary site. Ensure that all persistent volumes in use by the workload are no longer in use on the primary cluster.
    • Update VolumeReplication CR replicationState from primary to secondary on the primary site.
    • Scale down the applications on the secondary site.
    • Update VolumeReplication CR replicationState state from primary to secondary in secondary site.
    • On the primary site, verify the VolumeReplication status is marked as volume ready to use.
    • Once the volume is marked to ready to use, change the replicationState state from secondary to primary in primary site.
    • Scale up the applications again on the primary site.